Tag Archives: ghana

Is World Cup fever the same as soccer fever?

Television ratings are through the roof for U.S. World Cup matches. They outpace those of any other matches thus far in the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Thousands of people watch on huge screens in public areas and bars are full during the early morning hours to watch Team USA’s run. When the team was screwed out of a goal against Slovenia by a still-unexplained whistle by an assistant referee, the blogosphere blew up with anger.

But the question is this: Do these signs point to a surge in the sport’s popularity in the United States? Or is it merely a once-in-four-years spike that is a natural result of a successful run? Is it similar to the Olympics, the only time in four years that people even take the time to learn the nuances of sports like curling?

In early 2007, not long after David Beckham first joined Major League Soccer, I wrote a quick blog saying that a marquee name was what the MLS needed to take the next step in popularity. His effect on the league has been anything but spectacular. If anything, his presence in Los Angeles has been a hindrance as the tabloids seem to have taken to him much quicker than mainstream sports pages. It doesn’t help that he was injured for much of his first season with the Los Angeles Galaxy.

However, if Team USA makes a nice run and pulls off a win against Ghana and Uruguay, sending them to the semifinals for the first time since 1930, it would seem to be yet another step in establishing soccer as a solidly popular sport. Of course, it all depends on how MLS takes advantage of the surge.

What do you all think?